Travis is my hero! so Monday on facebook i just write something to the effect of how i wish i had a stereo in the JEEP. Travis, being the awesome person he is, says you get it i will put it in. well i thought we had one so Travis said he would come over later to put it in! i was SO excited! not only do i get to hang out with one of the coolest families EVER.... but i also get music in the JEEP!!! because it is NOT just some form of transportation... ha ha come to find out... we didn't have a stereo so marky mark decides to go get one... BLESS HIS HEART!!! <3 while me and Travis (aka Travis) switch out the speakers in the front. they come back and Travis finishes up. continuing his awesomeness... we decided to put the sub in too :D once installed the wire brokey :( Travis did a quick fix and then we were off for a cruise! the JEEP is SO sexy!!! watch out boys ;) too bad the next morning the sub went out again. ha ha
Brody wanted to help! TOO cute! he LOVES the JEEP!