that's right! be jealous of my sexy boyfriend!! ha ha last night Sara and Brittney picked me up to go to new moon :D we got there at 10 (right when they were letting people line up...) and we made it at the end of the first line.... at 10:30 they started letting people in the theater. we get in there... and the whole middle row was taken up. two people to each row... "i am saving eight seats...." you skanks!! so we sat on the side and pulled out the laptop and started watching twilight! :D ha ha because we are cool like that! the boys came right as it was starting pretty much and it was AMAZING!!!! i never want to see another movie without the boys... ha ha ha!!! the side comments just make it! first was Trevor Trevor at harry potter and now Jon at new moon... you boys are TOO funny!! i can't wait until i see this again!! <3