yesterday i watched my cousins ella and leah. these girls were a blast! my day started at 8:30 (which for me was way to early but i cant complain). we watched TV and went for a walk. from now on if i tend any kids a walk right before a nap works wonders! with in 30 seconds leah was out, with no crying! i loved it! then we got back and it was nap time with leah already asleep it was time for ella. wow, i didn't know that girl had that much energy. but she calmed down and went to bed. slept for one and a half hours. then leah woke up and was being the cutest girl in the world she was so cuddly. i loved it. then ella woke up in another 30 mins. we had pancakes and went for another walk with sydney. "fancy" chewed up my shoe and i flipped out and the day was done. 

Kelli, you were an awesome babysitter!! Ella is still talking about playing dress-ups with you. Thanks for helping us out at the last minute. You were a lifesaver and the girls loved you!
anytime! i love the girls!
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