Wednesday, June 6, 2007


in 13 days i will be dancing in utah dance centers peter pan. the parts i will be dancing are tiger lily, a mermaid, some random indian, and a spanish pirate. i really can't wait. im so excited because i will be dancing along side 3 of my cousins(whitt, bella, and ashley). i have waited so long to be a main part and now that it's here... im so tired all of the time because there are so many extra practices. i really didn't expect it. but im a dance freak and LOVE IT! i mean i even moved my room around just so i had more room to dance. i guess thats what i get for dancing for about 12 years.


Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

You are a freak! Hahah
Trav and I are going to see you little Tiger Lilly!

mary said...

I can't wait to see you in it!!! Love you blog kelli!!! I better started adding things to mine.

Anonymous said...

You be my boyfriend?

Amanda the Couch said...

i want to come see! PS i didn't even know you had a BLOG aren't you underage for that?

Koali said...

im sorry i didn't know there was an age limit. hows the baby?

Anonymous said...

You be my boyfriend?

Koali said...
