Monday, June 25, 2007

SIM SUIT TIME... and i can't be there

i am so sad right now. all of my friends are out of town. Dianna and Travis are in Cali. and my friend Kaycee is in Hawaii. MAN!!! and i just sit at home and watch TV but i did learn how to do the laundry today.
my birthday is in 2 days and i can't wait. the big 16 wow! oh and happy anniversary in 2 days nanner and traver. HA HA
my July is packed! from 4th of July at my cabin to girls camp to family reunion to dance camp at BYU. i just can't prepare myself for that. wow
here are a few pictures of Cali last year that i couldn't go too.

the boys! (i think this is at wahoos)

Zack and whit on the beach with Spencer behind them

i had to put this one in of Ella and Bella and their tummy's ha ha
those "sim suits" are way too cute
***by the way, "hey Susie I'm going to go upstairs and put my sim suit on, OK?"


Anonymous said...

We miss you Kelli!

I do have to correct you though. It was more like this....Thoothie, I'm going to go upthairs and put my thwim thoot on.

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

yeah happy bday kelli belly! We will think of you on our anniversary! did you eat all of our cake?

Koali said...

oh why thank you for the comments! haha no i have not had any of your cake but i might. and happy anniversary nanner and traver! and i miss you guys so much. wish i was there

Anonymous said...

We missed you so much. On the other hand, I am sad that we weren't around for your birthday. Next year you are coming with us so we can celebrate it together!

Anonymous said...

Electronic memory is something that I seemingly will never have enough of. It feels like megabytes and gigabytes have become an inseparable part of my every day existence. Ever since I bought a Micro SD Card for my Nintendo DS flash card, I've been constantly vigilant for large memory at low prices. It's driving me crazy.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4 SDHC[/url] HomeBrow)