I'm here in Fuzhou china. its been great and hot and its only my second day.
here is the break down on my trip
started Sunday morning in Utah at like 7 am
took a plane to San fan and a lay over for about 2 hours
got on this giant plane to b*********. which was ,well i would say, like 14 hours
got off and had to find our way around an airport that we didn't know where we were going for about 2 hours
our flight was delayed for about30 mins (well what we thought)
we got on our plane and sat for another 2 hours on the ground at our gate. i guess you cant fly in heavy fog...
after that i think it was a 2 hour flight to Fuzhou. I'm not really sure cuz i just slept the whole time :)
at the air port i decided i needed to use a real toilet before i had to pee in a hole on the ground, so i walked into the bathroom and all the stalls were open. so i walked up to the first stall and pushed the door to open all the way, i guess i didn't see the lady chillin on the toilet and she got mad at me. so i went to the next stall and the same thing happened again. i almost gave up and would have peed in the hole but then i thought, what if the same thing happened with the holes. it would have been worse so i gave it one more try and it all worked out fine. (can i just add that everyone looked at me funny too cuz I'm like a good foot taller then everyone, including the guys)
so i didn't know that people were picking us up at the airport(plus when you walk out of the air port its like a red carpet everyone wants you to ride with them it was crazy) so braid and sunny picked us up and we went to our hotel which is very nice and is called shangri-La. i almost cried cuz the bed was so nice, plus it wasn't on an air plane. (can i also just say that during this whole time my dads ankles were swollen and big and he limped the whole time and i just kept laughing at him)
sunny and barid picked us up in the morning to take us to the factory. Joe is our driver (his name really isn't Joe its just a name my dad gave him cuz he doesn't know his real name)
the factory was so warm and i got so tired and we were there for like ever... :( i didn't like it.
we went to lunch at some crazy place and i asked for the bathroom and almost forgot that it was a whole in the ground so i just washed my hands and didn't use it, hoping we would go back to the hotel after. i ate these dumplings that were kind of like pot stickers/egg rolls, chicken soup (when i say chicken i mean the whole chicken was in it and almost looking at me...), beef (that's all sunny said it was but it was like chucks of beef and onions and other things that i have no clue what it was), and a coke. sunny was sitting next to me chowing down on some good old chicken feet but i didn't want to try them. oh and they also think its funny how i don't like sea food.
after lunch they went to the air port to pick up Chris, Mandy, and some other special dudes. i went back the the hotel and had a nap. they came back at like 7 and picked me up for dinner.
dinner almost needs a whole other post, so i think i will cuz this one is way too long as it is.
( side note... i wrote this whole post and then our Internet went out and this is all that saved...)
after dinner we came back to the hotel and slept. woke up the next morning at 8:15 and went to breakfast which was really good cuz it was American food. :) i had pancakes, bacon, fried eggs, toast, and two really good pastries. i tried eating as much as i could so i would be ready for the food they would throw at me today.
then the boys went to work and us girls went shopping and site seeing. we came back and I'm here now... so there is a little update that is mostly for my mom.
peace out